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Notice: Customers in the EU and Northern Ireland

Due to the new/updated GPSR legislation that the EU have introduced (which comes into force as of December 13th 2024) we will be temporarily disabling the shipping option for addresses that are within the EU or Northern Ireland as of December 1st 2024, until further clarification is forthcoming.

For more information click here

We wil be attending a number of shows this year as shown below but we will not be carrying everything these shows. So PLEASE pre-order for collection at shows where possible to avoid disappointment, payment on collection is also available.


  Beachhead, Bournemouth        8/9th February

  Cavalier, Tunbridge Wells           23rd  February                       Welcome Page - Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society

  Hammerhead, Newark                1st  March                            Hammerhead Open Gaming Show - General Information

  Overlord, Abingdon                   23rd  March                            Overlord | Abingdon Wargames

  Vanquish                                   25th  May                               Bourne End Community Centre, Wakeman Road, SL8 5SX

  Broadside, Gillingham               14th  June                              Broadside — Milton Hundred Wargames Club 

  Colours, Newbury                       6th   September                

  SELWG                                              October                     

  Letchworth Showcase                        October                     

  Warfare                               15/16th    November                 





New figures for The Vietnam War-Air Cavalry Colonel, Surfer and a couple of downed pilots.

We also have a set of rules for modern conflicts, 'Keep Low, Move Fast' covering the war in Vietnam


5 man Russian anti tank gun crew to man the 45mm anti tank gun, already available (WWR 82)

We have also added to the Duchy of Warsaw Napoleonic range with greatcoated infantry.

Napoleonic Spanish Infantry

AVAILABLE NOWThe first codes of our new Napoleonic Spanish range of 28mm figures are available.  First up are sufficient figures to create first and second battalions, including Grenadiers, with variety in clothing including some in trousers.  The figures are modelled wearing the 1802 uniform which was changed to white from blue in 1805.

Next up, Spanish Artillery and some Spanish flags are now available with more in the pipeline to enable you to complete your infantry units.  We also have the first cavalry figures ready and a couple of mounted commanders.

We also have the beginnings of a range of 28mm figures to add to the new Napoleonics in the form of Duchy of Warsaw infantry, flags and foot artillery crew figures.

And a couple of new figures for Vietnam, an American journalist/photographer and a medic treating a casualty.


Available now is the first release of figures for the War of 1812.  To begin with are the core of British infantry, wearing stovepipe shako.  In addition to this is the start of the American army, beginning with infantry in 1813 uniform as well as figures wearing the roundabout coat, suitable for use as Winfield Scott's brigade who famously wore these grey roundabouts as there was insufficient blue cloth to clothe the entire army.
We have also started to provide flags for these figures, the first few are now available.
Coming shortly will be some Upper and Lower Canada Militia to add to this range of 28mm figures.

Scott's brigade 1.jpg

We also have the first flags for this new range of figures available on the web site. Available now are riflemen for both the British and Americans.


We now stock a selection of wargame rules alongside the Liberators books.  These are mainly sets we ourselves use for gaming.  These have been offered at shows for about a year and have proved a popular addition so we thought it would be nice to be able to offer these through the web site.  

please see the publications page for more information.



We now have back in stock two of the books by John Fletcher on the South American wars, these compliment the range of 28mm figures.  The first volume covers the Southern War and the third covers the British and Irish Legions that fought with Simon Bolivar.

These are magnificent volumes giving a potted history of the wars as well as detailed scenarios with orders of battle and plenty of uniform information.

Both of these are available at £17.50 each.


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